Reviewed several posts here about Nest and fans but didn’t see anything in line to work from. So, trying from scratch here.
My goal is to run our Nest thermostat fan indefinitely if the basement temperature sensor is below 70F. I think something is missing here but I’m a bit lost with it. Additionally, I know Nest has fan modes that run for specific time increments and then it auto shuts off so I don’t know if I need something else in this to keep it running indefinitely or re-sending the fan run command. Input appreciated!
- id: '1122334455667788998877665544332211'
alias: Under 70 in basement kick on HVAC fan
trigger: []
- type: is_temperature
condition: device
entity_id: sensor.temperature_11
domain: sensor
below: 70
- service: climate.set_fan_mode
fan_mode: "on"
No trigger: nothing’s going to happen. Assuming your action works, this should do the job. Triggers when the temperature drops below 70 or when there’s a restart, condition checks that it’s cold.
Awesome tool. It’s been a pain making up ids for everything.
Curiously, any thoughts how to handle a continued use of the fan like to reload this automation every so often? I think Nest will not run the fan indefinitely and so it may turn it off before the basement is above 70.
The last part of my puzzle I guess would be this turning off the fan once it it reaches or exceeds the target. Is it better to do like a new automation or add in something here like a wait for trigger maybe like this below?
Well, so far so good. There isn’t much in the way of turning that bad boy off. I forgot I had the vents open down there so it got to be an ice box today. So the script keeps cycling every 10 minutes to reinitiate it to keep the fan active. It looks like Nest may actually set a 12 hour window when using its API. Interesting.
Thanks for the help! Looking forward to seeing if this helps vs. having the fan on all the time whether needed or not this summer.
@Troon I know this is a bit stale, but curious if you know anything about a condition that the fan_mode is off so it doesn’t initiate this again if the fan is already on. This would keep from resetting the Nest thermostat fan mode timer of the already running fan mode.
Straightforward enough: state condition, perhaps looking at an attribute. I don’t have a fan, so have a look at your climate entity to see where the fan_mode is visible. Something like:
- condition: state
entity_id: climate.entryway
attribute: fan_mode
state: "off"