I broke my scenes.yaml with input_number - what did I do wrong?

Hello all,

As given in the documentation on input_number, I’m trying to do this in my scenes.yaml:

- id: '1673730606299'
  name: Hall Lights 0 off
    input_number.hallway_scene: 0

However, I get the error:

Invalid config for [scene]: State for input_number.hallway_scene should be a string for dictionary value @ data[‘states’][0][‘entities’]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 10).

The integrations doc


# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - name: Example Scene
      input_number.example_number: 13

Question 1: What’s the issue?

Question 2: I have a related question. The scene is no longer available for setting (understandably). When I try to call that scene, I get this:

Unable to find referenced entities scene.hall_lights_0_off or it is/they are currently not available

Where does the id come from? Is it just the name in lower case with _? If that’s true, then what does the id: '1673730606299' do?

Many thanks!

It seems that “…” is needed around the numbers:

- id: '1673730606299'
  name: Hall Lights 0 off
    input_number.hallway_scene: "0"

It’s not clear to me why that is… but it does work.