I can't control ZHA devices anymore but the status of the entities get updated


yesterday i noticed a strange behaviour with my zha devices.
When i turn on my light switch over HA the action gets canceled after a few seconds.
When i press the light switch manually the status of the entity gets updated immediately.
So this means the connection between the zigbee device and HA is there, because the zigbee device reports the status correctly.

The log says this:

2022-12-19 17:07:54.676 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: domain=light, service=turn_on, service_data=entity_id=light.lichtschalter_geschaeft_light_3>
2022-12-19 17:07:54.677 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.zcl] [0xC4EA:3:0x0006] Sending request header: ZCLHeader(frame_control=FrameControl(frame_type=<FrameType.CLUSTER_COMMAND: 1>, is_manufacturer_specific=False, direction=<Direction.Server_to_Client: 0>, disable_default_response=0, reserved=0, *is_cluster=True, *is_general=False, *is_reply=False), tsn=18, command_id=1, *direction=<Direction.Server_to_Client: 0>, *is_reply=False)
2022-12-19 17:07:54.677 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.zcl] [0xC4EA:3:0x0006] Sending request: on()
2022-12-19 17:07:54.677 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.device] [0xc4ea] Extending timeout for 0x12 request
2022-12-19 17:08:02.651 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zha.core.channels.base] [0xC4EA:3:0x0006]: command failed: 'on' args: '()' kwargs '{}' exception: 'Request failed after 5 attempts: <Status.MAC_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE: 225>'
2022-12-19 17:08:02.651 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zha.entity] light.lichtschalter_geschaeft_light_3: turned on: {'on_off': DeliveryError('Request failed after 5 attempts: <Status.MAC_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE: 225>')}

kind regards,