I can't even get the simpliest triggers working

Hi, so I have been having issues with the automation schemes I set up so i decided to strip down to the following to test:

- alias: "Test"

    -  platform: state
       entity_id: device_tracker.geb
       from: 'not_home'
       to: 'home'
  condition: use_trigger_values
     - service: light.turn_off
       entity_id: light.bedroom

But still no luck. The log doesn’t provide any info. The does change for the device though according to the logbook.

Any suggestions?

The code above’s indentation is incorrect.
I would suggest you take something that has a direct effect and experiment like this

So i copied an example and I am left with something very similar but still no effect.

Mind sharing your complete sanitized config on hastebin for me so I can have a look?

Are there any errors in the log when starting up?



There are but I dont know if they are applicable:

The log output says there are something wrong with your automation setup.

Try to remove all of the automation.
Check that there is no errors in the log
Add the automations one by one, until an error occur. Then it should be easier to find the error and correct it.

Try to remove " condition: use_trigger_values"

So this item that i see in the log:

16-06-05 23:38:48 homeassistant.bootstrap: Invalid config for [automation]: required key not provided @ data[‘action’]

Only goes away if I remove this line from the configuration

automation: !include automation.yaml

Even though automation.yaml is now empty, i still get that error.