I can't reconfigure a shelly device because it is hijacked by nmap

I have a shelly device that has become unavailable, but I can not reconfigure it because the Nmap tracker integration does not allow me to remove the device, nor to reconfigure it.
You can see it in the image below:

How can I trigger this device re-configuration? Other shelly devices have the order of “integration detection” reversed, meaning that first appears the shelly integration and then the NMAP one, but in this case, it is reversed.
The device works, and the IP is correct, but HA has some entities disabled for some reason I can not understand and I can’t use it:

Ok, for some reason this device appears twice. One as I showcased, and another one that I renamed previously, and thinking it was another device I just disabled it.
Why is this appearing twice? One controlling the “light” and the other… not sure what it is for?