I don't understand how the theme selection works with dashboards on iOS Companion App and Chrome Desktop

Hi all!

I don’t understand this stuff and I need some help :slight_smile: I use Home Assistant on my computers with Chrome, and I use it with Home Assistant Companion app.

So, on my configuration.yaml I have:

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

The folder “themes” has various subfolders like “bubble” , “ios-themes”, “minimalist-desktop” and so on.

On my PC, on Chrome, I selected the theme “minimalist-desktop” and on my iPhone I selected “use the default theme”.

But I have this issue… on the dashboards, for example this one here where I selected “ios-dark-mode-blue-red” on the first view and on my PC using Chrome I see it like this:

If I change it in “bubble” I see it in this way:

So I understand that the “minimalist” theme configured on my desktop Profile page page it’s only for the HA menus, and I can change the theme inside each view how I want. Perfect!


On my iPhone, without changing anything on the Profile page (it’s setted with “use the default theme” happens this:


So I still have the same background of the “ios-darkmode-blue-red” theme, but the cards have the “bubble” theme colors.

And if I change the theme on my iPhone Profile page to “bubble” I have this, with even the correct fonts of the Bubble theme:

Mmm so I don’t understand why this happens, specially the “ios-darkmode-blue-red” background, if on the iPhone I setted the “use default theme” and on the view “bubble” is theme selected.

Can someone explain me why this happens? Is it possible to choose the theme on the view, and without changing anything on the Profile page, I have the same stuff on my desktop and iPhone?

Thanks in advance! :wink: