I’m not new into Pi, also via Terminal and so on…
However, the installation home assistant seems very very simple, but… it just doesn’t work:
I tried to install home assistant to a RaspberryPi 3 Model B V1.2 via a 16GB card, written on
MacOS Monterey, Etcher v1.7.9, the link to “Raspberry Pi 3 64-bit” (/32-bit). Etcher runs well, runs through, gets done. At the same moment when it’s done a warning pops up
This is already suspicious, because normally the Mac can detect Pi’s boot partition. But I wrote the card three times (2x 64bit, 1x 32bit) every time the same warning.
Of course I tried to start the Pi anyway, connected via LAN cable to the computer calling the page (…homeassistant.local:8123/): nothing.
The Pi blinks as if it would work, but I don’t get a connection via the page nor a known IP adress (but I didn’t scan all possible IPs).
In order to be able to connect without LAN cable, usually I write a “ssh” file and a “wpa_supplicant.conf” containinng my Wifi settings at the fresh written Pi card but this is of course impossible because the whole card is not recognized.
If you have a Windows machine to your disposal, make your life easy and use the official RaspberryPi-Imager. There you can set SSH and Wifi while writing the image to the card. Has replaced Etcher for all my RPi installations.
Is it really connected to the computer by LAN cable or is it connected to the router. If connected to the PC connect it to the router. It wont get an IP address from computer unless the computer is running a dhcp server. Not sure you configure wifi for HAOS using the wpa file.
Thank You!
Of course my mistake: I connected the Pi to LAN on an USB Hub, what is connected to the computer. Today I realized: to get correct IP adresses I need to connected PI to the Router. Now everything works! argh. I’m so stupid sometimes.