I keep loosing random devices...?

As above - i loose random devices…i repair them - they work for a bit - then i loose some different ones…repair…then loose some more…this happens every few days… have i reached some sort of ceiling height of what HomeAssitant can store?

Not enough information. You said it’s broken - ok?

You need to describe what kind of devices they are - how many, how often, did this just start or has it always happened? Did you recently perform any updates? reconfigure something? How are they connected, what integrations are you using?

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I didnt say it was broken…i just randomly loose devices… when theyre connected its fine…

I always run the updates when they appear, ive got a Conbee stick (had a Sonoff on there but thats another ongoing story)

Connected using the “Add Zigbee device” way…but i loose devices that are over wireless as well…

what do you mean by integrations?

Sorry “How long has it been happening?” - quite a while but it started off as the odd one which i repaired and didnt think anything of it but then started happening more and more often…from when? - cant pin a time down on it but quite a while… ( few months ago? )

Are you cutting power to any mains powered ZigBee device?

If so, then that explains it.

no…kinda given up…got radio problems as well, so going to go with a clean build but, now ive removed the proxmox vm i cant create a new one because of some weird disk full issue on proxmox…so ive spent all night so far trying to fix that which ive not yet just to get started on rebuilding the HA!!! 4 hours later…no HA and an allegedly full disk (which it isnt!!)