I see both English and Danish language in menus

I see both English and Danish language in menus. I have refreshed the browser

How do I change to only danish?

Could it be that the Danish language translation is incomplete?

If that is the issue, can I suggest contributing Danish translations of text strings:

If this helps, :heart: this post!

No, unfortunately not. It has always been in perfect Danish, I think it changed in the 2025.0 version.

There is also language confusion inside the automations.

is your preferred language set to Danish?

I think the way internationalisation/ translation/ localisation work is code refers to translation keys and each can then link to the same meaning in any language.

If code has been rewritten, a translation key may have been left out - giving a default language only. That said, “Information” and “Show settings” seem like rather important GUI functions for translations to suddenly stop working.

If the text was translated, and is not now, I’d look to raise an issue in GitHub.

Yes and I have tried to just switch from Danish to English and English to Danish again

I see the same on the mobile app, and when I use Inkognito browser

Check your browser language settings as well.

What browser are you using?


I use chrome