It seems to work fine for me. And my instance is definitely not exposed in any way.
Yes, you are right, as long as your phone can reach to home assistant server (locally or externally), app or browser doesn’t care how it is happening.
Yeah that’s my point, i am out of the house and somehow the app still seems to work ? And i haven’t setup any SSL or Nabu casa or anything like that.
I have to actually check if the app itself works, but i got an automation using the mobile app notification which came in while i was away from home.
Nope, no way:-) it can’t work if you are not using a vpn or some other virtual networking mechanism.
That’s what i thought, pretty sure it’s a local app. No idea why i am then getting mobile app notifications when i am out and about. And i have no VPN active.
App notifications come through Google services and can be sent out to your phone from inside the firewall.
Its the other way that won’t work. No remote control. Open the app and try to hit your server…
Ah, that explains it. Was starting to check if i had exposed something already!
Thank you sir.