I want to help! Need advice for learning Python

hey fellas.

As someone who is throughly enjoying HA and is desperate to be able to contribute to it, can anyone offer some guidance for learning Python?

I have picked of bits and pieces of programming theory and principles over my 30 odd years of being a computer nerd and can hack together other peoples scripts or code given enough time and trial and error and done intros to many different languages (e.g. java, swift, visual basic) but never stuck at it any long enough to get fluent enough in any language to write my own programs because I never had the motivation to. HA seems like a great reason to learn Python. I have access to a Lynda.com subscription if that helps too.

Any advice and pointers on what I need to learn or where to start so I can start helping out here? And whats a realistic time frame to learn what I need to know to be able to start contributing?

I have so many good ideas but I just can’t turn them into code ATM without someone else’s help! =D


I’ve been there and can identify with your experience. That said, I found the “Python for Everyone” specialization on Coursera the most helpful of any programming course to date. I can say I now know how to program (not well yet lol) because of this set of courses :slight_smile: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/python

I am more then happy to help you get started as well. Please reach out if you have questions.

Awesome, thanks @jbags81! I’ll check it out.

Thanks @gieljnssns.

Also does anyone rate https://treehouse.com for learning this stuff also?

I’m a software engineer (.NET) but never had any experience with Python. The course on Pluralsight helpt me out quite well: https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/python-fundamentals/table-of-contents