Hey folks, due to a Nous A1 costing only a bunch of bucks, I was using this smart plug with tasmota to monitor stuff, but they thend to die if loaded to more than 50% of rated power.
I BBQed about 12 now of my starter set of 40… and i did not go beyond 2kw inductive load, not even switched, only metered… so no they are nice toyes, but thats it.
I also have a shelly 3phase system working, with clamps. nothing in it that could get smoked by the load… but then 14 shellys for 3phase do have a potential of braking the bank… and then I dont have switching.
What else is out there one could use to switch true 16A and meter without braking the bank?
I dont need the switching much, its basically monitoring, and if something goes south, then hardware reset by virtaully pulling the plug.