iCloud integration changes custom entity IDs after every reauthentication

So it’s that time again :rage:

I append ‘_icloud’ to all of my icloud entity IDs. There are multiple reasons for this which aren’t relevant.

iCloud required reauthentication today, and YET AGAIN it has changed all of my custom icloud entity IDs. It does this every single time. This has been going on for at least a year. I have had to restore my original entity IDs at least a dozen times. Maybe two dozen.

Is there any way to fix this problem?

To make this even more irritating, when you try to paste ‘_icloud’ onto the end of every entity in the HA app, it prepends a space character which you then have to manually backspace and delete. Luckily I recently discovered this only happens in the HA app. If I access HA in a normal web browser pasting text works normally.

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Another reauthentication yesterday, and so another round of editing all my iCloud entities. Yay for me.