Ideas for workout log, weight tracking into HA


As I’m sure a lot of people, I’d like to get back into exercising for the new year. I’ve been thinking that I look at the HA app every day, and that would be a great place to have things like a weight tracker, and a workout log (maybe just a calendar with the days I exercised colored). I’d see it every day and my girlfriend would too, that would make it harder to skip days.

Any (cloudless) suggestions of what to use to achieve this ? It looks like there is no integrated calendar in HA. I suppose I could setup baikal next to HA and use caldav, and maybe something like influxdb for the weight tracking but that seems overkill for this.

On the side of dedicated deamons wger looked neat but is abandoned. I could give lifelogspd a try maybe, not sure if it has an API I could use to integrate it into HA though.

Thanks for any ideas !

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Looking for the same thing, did you ever find anything? Thinking my obsession with HA may give me motivation to track this and give it some good stats by losing some weight :slight_smile:

I’m using the Withings integration with this scale and it flows seamlessly into HA… it is cloud-based, however.

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Thanks for the tip / headsup, the Withings scanwatch was just what I was looking for! :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: