Ideas needed: Generate bitmap of sensor readings for old e-reader

I have a nicely working homeassistant setup with lots of readings in influxdb and integrations to wunderground for weatherstuff. I would like to create a display of some important info that hangs nicely on the wall in a nice frame.

On the e-reader I have now (Kobo N905) there is a variant of embedded linux that can be hacked to do some http calls and draw to an image file that can be displayed on screen. Updates every 15 min is ok.

The drawing to the image-file is currently done using pygame and its rather clumsy and tedious to make nice. Also, the development cycle to the device is clumsy.

My target architecture is to have a bitmap generated on the HA-server, and then pick it up with the Kobo embedded linux and show it on the screen.

But what is the easiest route to generate a bitmap with some readings on? Any ideas appreciated!
