Ideas on how to share a digital key using Kwikset Z Wave Smart Lock?

I just purchased a kwikset zwave convert smart lock. I am super happy with the response time and ease of installation if anyone is looking for a recommendation.

I am able to lock and unlock via the HA app. I would like to be able to give others a way to unlock the door without creating them as HA users. Does anyone have any experience with these zwave locks and can suggest some ways or apps that I can have other users download that will only give them access to only the lock?

A lot of the locks (including the Kwikset you have, or at least if it’s like all the Kwiksets I have) allow you to add lock user codes by sending Z-Wave commands to the device. This might require having Zwave-JS installed in order to send those codes (as I’ve never had success doing that using the OZW 1.4 that is built-in). I did this on my previous Home Automation system quite a bit when I was out of town and needed an employee to do something in my house. Once you are able to do this you can use automations, scripts or a number of other methods to dynamically allow/disallow access as you see fit without having to add additional users to HA.

Create user with Lovelace view that only shows lock

You can add different codes to
Lock. These are set in HA manually and I think now possible to change in HA with automations

I’ve got several Kwikset locks that I control via HA. I’m using the Keymaster integration available on HACS. It works very well!

This sounds like an interesting idea. I was under the impression that all users see the same lovelace layouts. Could you point me in the direction of how to setup custom lovelace views per user?

Edit lovelace UI (3 dots in upper right corner of ui)
Edit tab (pencil next to tab header you want to change, brings up view configuration for tab)
visibility (brings up tab with all users and radio button next to user)
set radio button to OFF for users that should not view tab

Not sure how good/bad security is around this, like can they just modify url and get to known tab, but in most case even full view not provide ability to destroy anything so this should be OK

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The intent here wasn’t a custom dashboard power user (there isn’t a very nice easy of doing that) more of using Keymaster to setup custom lock codes that you give to each person.

I use it to set codes for some folks that rent rooms in our house. I also use it to set time/date boxed access to guests. I just set up a custom code and let them know what it is.