Identifying source of connection within HASS

Firstly, apologies if this is the wrong section in which to post this request.

By complete coincidence, while looking at established connections on my FW I noticed that my server has an established outgoing connection to an Amazon EC server on port 8883 (outgoing). I traced the source of the connection to my HASS docker container. It took me ages but eventually I confirmed it by stopping the container and the connection dropped and upon restarting the container it was re-established.

The question is: How can I identify what is connecting to mqtt outside my network from within HASS? (I run my own MQTT server locally which HASS connects to without any issues)

Thank you in advance

I would like to know this also, in fact I would prefer to have some kind of a hardare sniffer between my ONT and my router to verify that there are no unknown connections (such as from my TP-Link router to the CCP as an example etc.). Any networking experts in this forum that can help?

The MQTT server at Amazon EC might be a cloud service for some of your devices.
The vendor just used the MQTT protocol to built their cloud service, but will probably not send them directly to you.

I have the same issue. I found that this was caused by Tuya Integration. Turning off Tuya removed all of the outgoing connection.

I don’t use the Tuya integration. Still seeing attempts to connect.

Glad you got it sorted though :slight_smile: