Ifttt new auth help

so, i want to move away from the API password, so i enabled the new ifttt integration
i also added the automation as described here : https://www.home-assistant.io/components/ifttt/
see below
so this was my old ifttt webhook that is working
url : https://url:8123/api/services/google_keep/add_to_list?api_password=
body : { “title”:“Shop”, “items”:“testtest” }
so how do i tho this now?

i have an new url like :
# https://url/api/webhook/longlonglonglongtexthere, this one i have putted in as new url in ifttt applet
but what do i need to setup in the body ?
this is not working :

`{ "action": "call_service", "service": "google_keep.add_to_list", "title":"Shop", "items":"testtest"}`
    platform: event
    event_type: ifttt_webhook_received
      action: call_service
    service_template: '{{ trigger.event.data.service }}'
      entity_id: '{{ trigger.event.data.entity_id }}'

ok, a step further now
i am using text ingredients in IFTTT, seems that ingredient is not passing correctly

so body :

{ "action": "call_service", "service": "google_keep.add_to_list", "title":"shoplist", "items":"{{TextField}}" }

automation is changed to :

    service_template: '{{ trigger.event.data.service }}'
      title: '{{ trigger.event.data.title }}'  
      items: '{{ trigger.event.data.items }}'  

this is resulting i a strange line added to my shoplist like:

<built-in method items of dict object at 0x7fa82dd582d0>

hmm, nothing todo with the text ingredient field
if i change the body to :
{ "action": "call_service", "service": "google_keep.add_to_list", "title":"shoplist", "items":"testitem" }

the same strange line is added : <built-in method items of dict object at 0x7fa82dd582d0

i know the command works, because i i change my automation to :

service_template: '{{ trigger.event.data.service }}'
  title: '{{ trigger.event.data.title }}'  
  items: "testitem"

it works

ok, solved it, seems the word “items” i cant use that …

so i changed it from “items” to another word “shop” for instance

{ "action": "call_service", "service": "google_keep.add_to_list", "title":"Colruyt", "shop":" {{TextField}}" }

and in automation :

  title: '{{ trigger.event.data.title }}'  
  items: '{{ trigger.event.data.shop }}' 

strange, but now it works