I’m technology/linux confident, but 100% z wave/zigbee/HASS newb.
I’m setting up leak detection using samsung and fibaro battery powered leak detectors, watercop/fortrezz valve, and a nortek zwave/zigbee radio on my PI. Basic tests has gone well so far, and it’s working. Trying to do some cleanup, and getting things dialed in.
There are a bunch of entities, that as far as I can tell, are useless. At a minimum they don’t provide anything that I as a human need, but I’m not sure if they provide information that is needed by HASS, or to keep other entities working correctly. These include things like burglar alarms, extra alarms on the devices, which seem safe to disable. There’s also something called "Source node ID - I have no idea what that is. Here is what I’ve ignored, are there any issues with this?
homeassistant@hassbian:~/.homeassistant $ cat zwave_device_config.yaml
ignored: true
polling_intensity: 0
ignored: true
polling_intensity: 0
ignored: true
polling_intensity: 0
ignored: true
polling_intensity: 0
ignored: true
polling_intensity: 0
ignored: true
polling_intensity: 0
homeassistant@hassbian:~/.homeassistant $
Also, for the sake of anyone reading this in the future. I ignored these by going to:
Configuration > Z Wave > Choose node > Choose Entity > Select “exclude this entity from Home Assistant” > Click Save > Click Save Config
I then had to go into my configuration.yaml file, and add the “device_config” setting like this:
usb_path: /dev/zwave
device_config: !include zwave_device_config.yaml