IKEA E1766 Open/Close Remote with Node Red and ZHA

Hello guys,
I am trying to use Ikea Open/Close remote for blinds in my HA using Node Red.

I know I need to listen to ZHA_event. I even debugged the ZHA_event node.

The question is, how can i find the entity ID for my Open/Close switch?


I can’t see it on my ZHA device list card.

Zigbee info
IEEE: 68:0a:e2:ff:fe:40:3a:xx
Nwk: 0x8047
Device Type: EndDevice
LQI: 96
RSSI: -76
Naposledy videný: 2024-11-04T10:35:40
Zdroj napájania: Battery or Unknown
Zvláštnosť: zhaquirks.ikea.opencloseremote.IkeaTradfriOpenCloseRemote

Michal, Slovakia