IKEA RODRET Dimmer + SOMRIG Remotes - ZHA/Z2M - Control anything

I’ll update the blueprint once this is merged and available in HA.

I dont have z2m right now so I can’t test it and make it available in the blueprint.
But I’ll probably be able to check this next week :eyes:

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Hey people,

New release with Z2M support is here :sparkles:

Check the :blue_book: first post to download the blueprint


Thanks, it works with styrbar blueprint

Having trouble importing this, getting the following error:

Invalid blueprint: extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['remote_device']['selector']['filter']. Got None

I thought maybe it wasn’t finding the device, but this looks right to me:

Does not work for me - added the button to HA via ZHA (not showing anything in logs when pressing buttons).
When I use this blueprint as automation nothing works.

I was able to get this working by removing removing the filter variable and moving the filter attributes directly into the device selector. Devices are filtered without the filter variable. Perhaps it was deprecated.

      integration: zha
      manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
      model: RODRET Dimmer
      multiple: false

I’m having trouble getting this working. Single click generally works fine but if I try a double click or a hold action it seems to get stuck in a loop. I’ve updated the blueprint to run in restart mode and its better but still not reliable.

Using ZHA.

Anyone else had anything similar or any advice on how to troubleshoot?

Everything worked great! Thank you!

One question: Is there a way to set the brightness steps when double pressing? Like you have in the light control blueprint. 10% per step is a little slow for me.

For noobs and first timers: In ZHA Zigbee setups: setup the zigbee radio, then on the rodret press the button near the battery, which the manual says to connect, 4 times within 5 seconds and a red light should show. Stop here, let it pulse red. Don’t hold that button for 10 seconds. Go into your zigbee device, then configure, then ‘add device’. Here it should be searching and it picks up the rodret quickly. A screen pops up saying its connected, and you are good to go, it should show up in devices.

It took me a while to get the remote to pair and get recognized by the blueprint!

I managed to make it work by first factory resetting the remote (4 presses of the pairing button in less than 5 seconds, don’t press too fast or it doesn’t work), then removing the battery a few seconds after the light came on. Finally, I put the battery back and pair it through ZHA (sometimes I have to reset it again before pairing).

I have no clue why that worked, and some of the steps may be unnecessary but thought I would share!

Thanks, this was very helpful.

Super helpful.

Was thinking there was something wrong with my device as it wasn’t pairing and the LED wasn’t showing any sign of life. quick reset sorted it.

Ok, so… What’s the trick?

I have 5 Rodrets, I’ve opened two to test and neither work. They’re detected by ZHA, but they don’t stop “configuring”, I have to restart HA to get their devices to show up, but they lack any entities relating to switches.

I’m using a Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus, and as mentioned ZHA.

I’ve tried deleting their devices and resetting them (4 clicks of the “link” button) and finding them again. The logs run through a ton of stuff that almost seems like it’ll work, but in the end… Nothing.

I can post logs if required, but I have no idea what logs would be relevant.

Here are ZHA logs during the discovery of the Rodret: Received a packet: ZigbeePacket(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 31, 4, 21, - Pastebin.com

I also picked up 2 Styrbar’s, but haven’t opened them, as I’m currently expecting to be returning all of these.

Please help!

Edit: I tried the light version of this as well with no success… Please help me not return these!

Final Edit: Since my HA setup is new I tested out Z2M and it managed to adopt all 5 Rodrets, and my 2 Styrbars without much issue.

Hi everyone,
the rodret button was successfully detected, but nothing happens when I click the keys, not even in the registry
I use ZHA
what am I doing wrong?

Never tried Z2M, but mine does work (reliability) with ZHA. Slow response at best to eventually drop out where I would have to reset/rediscover for it to reconnect. Good news is the reset/rediscover picks up the previous name thus everything continues to work. …just a waste of 10 mins per remote. I’ve tried to add a closer repeater which didn’t help much either. I’ve always wondered IF a firmware upgrade would resolve… and HOW to upgrade the remote firmware.

It’s only been a short while, but zero drop outs, zero issues so far with zigbee2mqtt.

I’m not suggesting people drop zha for this, but if you haven’t invested a ton into it and are having issues with getting these to work, I highly suggest trying it.

I’ve had the exact same issues with the exact same setup as mentioned above (sonoff zigbee dongle and Zha).
Honestly, these issues appear with all battery powered ikea switches, but the Rodret seem worse. But they do work, it will just need some patience…

What I did and what worked somehow (also for the styrbar remote):


  • upgrade to latest HA
  • enable OTA upgrades for ikea

For every device:

  • reload zha integration
  • click remote button 4 times to reset
  • when its initially flashing lay it next to a connected ikea repeater (within few cm)
  • once it starts pulsing slowly click ‚add device‘ in HA to start the pairing process
  • observe what’s happening, for me usually if the device is discovered quickly and the red light stops at some point during configuration, and then flashes quickly again afterwards is followed by the green box that it was successful
  • if it just pulses slowly and then quickly blinks a couple of times without stopping before, it usually failed and nothing keeps happening, you hang in configuration step forever… just keep redoing from the top
  • check the even logs of the device if the event are really fired

This way a re-paired like 10 strybar and several rodret and it worked quite reliably.

Sometimes it occurs that even when the green box pops up the pairing mode in the ikea device stopped before and the pairing was not successful, then it appears paired but you don’t see events, seems broken. Remove and retry.

You just need to retry… it should work.

The z2m seems more reliable in pairing but for me it’s too much of a hassle now to change all my devices to that integration…

Once this was successful they are super stable and quick.

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I’d also need to buy a repeater that I don’t have any real use for… I’ve had zero issues with any of the buttons using Z2MQTT, so I’ll be sticking with that until I have a reason to change.

Thanks for the detailed report though it’ll definitely help others!

I have a pair on opposite sides of our master bed. One seems more reliable that it does work albeit slow. Haven’t re-paired it in over 2 weeks so I’m hesitant to even look at it funny. The light action will work with about 1 second delay which is fine bc it does work. Z2M seems to be the key to this device, but like others here… too invested in ZHA to take the time to convert over.

I’m also using the custom quirk: zhaquirks.ikea.twobtnremote.IkeaRodretRemote2Btn

I do have the firmware upgraded ON, but I’m not sure it does anything or has done anything ever. I’m showing ‘Firmware: 0x01000047’ on the device page if anyone else wants to look at theirs to compare

Thanks for the blueprint! Just one question: currently IKEA is selling the SOMRIG button (SOMRIG Shortcut button, white smart - IKEA): apparently it is identical to the RODRET, is there a simple way to use this blueprint for it as well?
