Ikea switch (E1743) and Blinds (FYRTUR) keep dropping in ZHA and doesn't bind.

I wonder what I am doing wrong with this, or maybe a I have a crummy Zigbee c. My simple mesh keeps falling apart, everything is located in the same room but will move the thin cilent to a datacloset.

HP T640 Thinclient with HAOS/Proxmox
Sonoff ZigBee dongle plus 3.0 on USB 2.0 with 1 ft USB extension cable, latest software Stack 20240710

Zigbee Devices
2 - Fyrtur Blinds
1 - Ikea repeater
1 E1743 Switch

The system sometimes work when I am using group helpers and blueprints to move the blinds from open to close. They are slightly off from eachother as the blinds are commanded separately by zigbeee due to the automation using HA groups of sensors in the automation. The system seems to fail often (break and reform). I tried Z2M for a little bit, and it seemed much more stable keeping the Zigbee battery devices working.

  1. Is there a way to increase reliability of the system in ZHA, or is it possibly a faulty coordinator?
  2. Is there a way to bind both blinds to the switch, so it runs one command and the blinds will look much ore synchronized?
  3. What is something important that I probably didn’t do right?


Switched back over to Z2M, it just works for my setup.