IKEA Tradfri light bulbs autodiscovered as 'sensors'!

I allowed the IKEA gateway to be autodiscovered in Hass.io, which it seems to have done and entered the relevant details in configuration files.

I’ve yet to successfully get the Tradfri light bulbs to come ON, when say the temperature reaches 25 C. I’ve been following the automations tutorials to the letter, and have been using the configurator plugin to try and eliminate mistakes from manually typing into the automations.yaml file.

The only clue 've got to it not working is that both my light bulb’s entity_register.yaml entity Id’s are showing as ‘sensor.exactNameofEntity’, where ‘exactNameOfEntity’ is the name autodiscovery has assigned (I forget the exact name).

So why would autodiscovery configure an IKEA Tradfri smart bulb as a sensor? A sensor is an input device, do these light bulbs have some sensor electronics in them that I’m not aware of? How can an automation script be told to action a service that is meant to be generated as an output, when hass.io sees it as an input sensor?!

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