Im not sure I should share this project (coinbasepro crypto trader setup)


Hi @kennedyshead , I looked at your post however zipped custom component can’t be downloaded. Can you re-upload ?

I want to test it out…


This link works for me?

You are right, the component is gone… Ill look for it

Found it and updated the link on the blog.

how do you install crypto-signal in home assistant?

I am very much interested in this project as well… Any news on that?

Especially on how to add it to Home Assistant?

Short answer is that you don’t I made this with a hass only install (no hassio or anything like that).

And the crypto-signal install is made standalone

Ok, thanks. How about coinbase pro sensors only, without the trading bot? Does that work in home assistant?

You will need crypto-signal and mqtt to actually populate the sensors, it can be hosted anywhere as long as it can access your mqtt-broker


Do you have an example or your MQTT sensors? I just cannot seem to get my docker container to talk to my mqtt whatso ever, well it does not show up in the logs

It shows all my “other” MQTT clients

I am runnning HASSIO but crypto signals in in docker on an ubuntu server

Did anyone get this working?

I have started on an update for this project, it will soon be done hopefully.

@kennedyshead Can you explain how to install the first part, I have downloaded the zip but I don’t know how to add it to home assistant

It’s kind of broken atm. Unfortunately. If I get the time I’ll dig into it, but I’m using binance atm. so it would be great if someone that wants to use this could dig into fixing all the problems and I’ll update info and scripts.

Hi , is the coinbase project still alive? Of can you share the binance setup too?