Import HUE rules to Home Assistant


I managed to export all the rules of my HUE Bridge to a “text” probably Json format and I am wondering if it is possible to somehow import it to Home Assistant


"170" : {
"owner" : "79f5465e-4a3d-47cf-ac74-a170394305b9",
"status" : "enabled",
"recycle" : false,
"conditions" : [
"address" : "\/sensors\/150\/state\/buttonevent",
"operator" : "eq",
"value" : "23"
"address" : "\/sensors\/150\/state\/lastupdated",
"operator" : "dx"
"lasttriggered" : "2022-07-12T13:52:08",
"created" : "2022-04-22T19:03:51",
"timestriggered" : 4,
"name" : "XFDFoH150 top right rl",
"actions" : [
"address" : "\/sensors\/220\/state",
"method" : "PUT",
"body" : {
"status" : 0
"address" : "\/groups\/(null)\/action",
"method" : "PUT",
"body" : {

"address" : "\/groups\/7\/action",
"method" : "PUT",
"body" : {
"scene" : "ntzzOvlLKsAp-cT"
"209" : {
"owner" : "79f5465e-4a3d-47cf-ac74-a170394305b9",
"status" : "enabled",
"recycle" : false,
"conditions" : [
"address" : "\/sensors\/135\/state\/buttonevent",
"operator" : "eq",
"value" : "98"
"address" : "\/sensors\/135\/state\/lastupdated",
"operator" : "dx"
"lasttriggered" : "2022-07-11T17:59:54",
"created" : "2022-04-21T06:35:45",
"timestriggered" : 1,
"name" : "Rocker support press Bottom",
"actions" : [
"address" : "\/sensors\/223\/state",
"method" : "PUT",
"body" : {
"status" : 3
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Not sure as I am not great on Json, but I am now wondering why or for what reason this may be useful, whats your use case?

I want to move all rules from HUE Bridge as automations and scripts to home assistant since the bridge is full

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