Improve Shelly API integration

Hello !

Is there way to find which part of the Shelly API is included in the official Shelly integration ? Or which are planned to be added ? :slight_smile:
Common HTTP API โ€“ API Reference (

For instance, Iโ€™d like to be able to update the Night Mode settings of my Shelly dimmers. I can do it through http requests but this parameter is not availble using Shelly integration.

Or how could I contribute to add features available in Shelly API and not yet integrated ?


Source is here:

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Thank you ! :slight_smile:

So Shelly integration uses CoIoT and not basic http.

I donโ€™t know much about it. : CoIoT Protocol โ€“ API Reference (
It does not look to allow as many things as basic http requests unfortunately (or maybe the documentation is not up-to-date). There is the same โ€˜problemโ€™ with MQTT integration. Not all parameters are available.

I wil try to play a little bit with CoIoT and see what is possible, but I guess what could be done has already been done !
And I will have to keep using http requests to enable/disable/configure my dimmer night modes ! :slight_smile: