Improving Docker security - non-root application configuration

Instructions published on explain how to run the container with the “privileged” flag and in root mode. This can be a disaster for security, especially if your setup is internet facing.

To improve security, we will:

  1. Run the application within the container as a low privileged user
  2. Prevent the container from acquiring extra privileges
  3. Define granular capabilities for the container if required

I’m using Docker with docker-compose on a Ubuntu server but the same steps can likely be followed on your prefered container orchestration engine and Linux distro.

  1. Run the container application (hass) as a low privileged user

Create a new user and group on your docker host; add user to the group. If required, add yourself to the group as well to easily edit config. files

sudo adduser hassuser
sudo groupadd -g 8123 hassgroup
sudo usermod -a -G hassgroup hassuser

Change ownership of your HA folder where your config. files are

sudo chown -R hassuser:hassgroup /[path_to_config_folder]/

Change permissions so members of your new group can operate. We will allow members of the group to read, write and execute files in this folder

sudo chmod -R g+rwx /[path_to_config_folder]/

Recreate the container:

  • Follow the steps described by tribut on, kudos to him for creating the script
  • git clone the repo in your HA config. folder
  • Update your docker-compose to re-create the container using your new user and the run override.

    image: homeassistant/home-assistant:latest
    network_mode: host
    -  /[path_to_config_folder]/:/config
    -  /[path_to_config_folder]/docker/dockerrun/run:/etc/services.d/home-assistant/run
    - TZ=[your TZ]
    - PUID=1001
    - PGID=8123
    - UMASK=007
    - PACKAGES=iputils

2. Prevent the container from acquiring extra privileges

For extra security, you can add to your docker-compose file the following options. This will disable container processes from gaining new privileges.

    - no-new-privileges

3. Define granular capabilities for the container if required

I need to leverage the Bluetooth of my host for some HA integration. Based on your needs, you may need to access other hardware or leverage other capabilities. Because now we are in a more secure state, the low privileged user running the container doesn’t have control over BT. Let’s fix that:

sudo usermod -a -G bluetooth hassuser

Now even if our user is part of the BT group, the container itself cannot administer Bluetooth hardware. You need to research which capabilities are needed based on your use case but to give you an example I was trying to use the ble_monitor custom components

Add the following to your docker-compose, and be aware of security implications (your container can now administer more networking stuff :

    - NET_RAW

Lastly, update the /[path_to_config_folder]/docker/dockerrun/run to set the capabilities on the python version run into the container - there is probably a better way to do that so it’s future proof based on Python’s version, but you get the idea:

setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' `readlink -f \`which python3.9\``

The next step to improve security will be to stop running the container in host mode, I still need to figure this one out. If you think anything can be improved in this post from a security perspective please let me know, happy to update it… I never used docker and barely used Linux before using HA so pls don’t be too harsh if you find mistakes.

(also posted on reddit on /r/homeassistant/)

Edited to articulate that we are changing the ownership of the process itself running HA within the container to be non-root, not the container running as non root on the host.


FYI: The linuxserver/homeassistant image does this by default.


You’re right but the linuxserver container registry is an intermediary between you and the official HA registry, which could be an extra single point of compromise. I chose to trust the official HA distribution on DockerHub but if you’re comfortable with linuxserver it’s a convenient solution

I do trust the linuxserver team and been using their images for a while now. Never have been a fan of running docker containers with full permission. Short of doing all the work myself, linuxserver is usually right on the money


That will result in a number of integrations no longer working.

Only broadcasts won’t work, so you basically only loose auto-discovery (not such a big deal).
There might be other specific cases, but it won’t be an issue for 99% of the integrations.

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Specifically UPnP devices and zeroconf/mDNS devices, among other things

I run my HA container in bridge mode and it’s fine.

Because of the HomeKit integration, I need another mdns repeater solution to mirror the traffic (this works but there are probably other ones: GitHub - raetha/mdns_repeater-docker: Allow docker containers in virtual networks to send/receive mdns broadcast messages).

Here is my docker-compose extract if it can help someone:

        - subnet:

    image: homeassistant/home-assistant:latest
    container_name: "hass"
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "mqtt"
      - /home/thibaut/home-assistant:/config
      - /home/thibaut/home-assistant/docker/dockerrun/run:/etc/services.d/home-assistant/run
      - TZ=America/Toronto
      - PUID=1001
      - PGID=8123
      - UMASK=007
      - PACKAGES=iputils
      - ALL
      - CHOWN
      - FSETID
      - FOWNER
      - SETGID
      - SETUID
      - SYS_CHROOT
      - KILL
      - NET_RAW
      - NET_ADMIN
      - no-new-privileges
      - 8123:8123
      - 21063:21063 # HomeKit
      test: curl --fail || exit 1
      interval: 90s
      retries: 5
      start_period: 5s
      timeout: 15s
        ipv4_address: # static IP required to receive mDNS traffic

Hello @thi_baut,
Thank you very much for your post since it definitely allowed me to run my containerized HA in non-privileged mode with all the needed resources.
I just want to add what I’ve discovered (after 1 day troubleshooting all the steps) since I think it will ease future configurations attempts.
First of all: context.
I used to run HA (hard)core in it’s venv on a raspbian PI but I finally got sick of all of the dependency updates pain so, on HA core 2023.6.1 I’ve decided to switch to docker (total newbie here).
My HA on venv was running with a dedicated non-root user and the needed privileges where just allowed through typical group assignment. In my setup this was:

  • user:
    • “homeassistant”
  • primary group:
    • “homeassistant”
  • additional groups:
    • “dialout” (needed to access the serial on the rpi - likely needed for the default rpi BT radio)
    • “gpio” (needed to acess the raw gpio)
    • “bluetooth” (needed to access bluetooth?)
    • “motion” (needed to access a shared folder on the same host where my motion server instance saves recordings)

No special privileges (setcap) or other where needed to run this on venv and I was able to manage gpio, discover through broadcast and lately connect to the rpi BT radio

Special mention on BT: I don’t have any BT paired devices so I don’t really know what is working or what not on this side: just, my HA sees the rPi BT own adapter and looks like ready to work

Migrating to a non-privileged docker container was a classical little-big fight with things you really don’t know.
In the end what worked was:

  • install the (awesome I’d say) boot script GitHub - tribut/homeassistant-docker-venv: Run Home Assistant as non-root using the official docker image
  • follow yours (and @tribut) instructions
  • skip the step about editing the docker/run script in order to ‘setcap’ the python executable (which is a little pain since you have to spread your settings in more places) and focus on the compose.yml configuration to pass in the needed informations through EXTRA_GID (this variable is not ‘officially’ documented but it is used by the script to build the secondary groups for your running user):
  • add the EXTRA_GID variable to the ‘environment’ section filling in the id(s) of your secondary groups needed to grant permissions to the HA user
  • voila’ HA in non-privileged container can access gpio, a shared host folder where I put my motion server recorders, bluetooth (as I said it just sees the rPi BT radio…no clue if it’s fully working since I don’t have BT devices paired so far)
  • granting privileges through groups is not all: see my sample compose.yml for a complete setup but, for BT it was an hard hunt surfing the web with a lot of different issues/tricks: really confusing. What really worked in the end was to mount the host dbus into the container in the ‘volumes’ section

This is my compose.yml

version: '3'
    container_name: homeassistant
    image: ""
      - /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant:/config
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /run/dbus:/run/dbus
      - /home/motion/data:/home/motion/data
      - /home/homeassistant/docker/run:/etc/services.d/home-assistant/run
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: host
      - PUID=999
      - PGID=995
      - EXTRA_GID=997 114 112 20
      - UMASK=007
      - PACKAGES=iputils
      - /dev/mem:/dev/mem
      - /dev/gpiomem:/dev/gpiomem
      - no-new-privileges
    # cap_add:
    #  - NET_RAW
    #  - NET_ADMIN
    #  - SYS_RAWIO

groups and user ids for your ‘homeassistant’ user are easily retrieved on the host with:

id homeassistant

\home\motion\data as previously said is the directory where my motion server saves recordings on my rPi. In my HA I can access these as media by ‘mounting’ the media source path into HA and granting the homeassistant user the correct ‘read/write’ permissions by adding the user to the ‘motion’ group which owns the recordings. I’ve reported this as an example to easily mount host folders into the container and grant the correct permissions (even though this is already widely documented)

Final thoughts:
the cap_add in compose.yml is commented right now in order to see if they’re needed or not and it looks like not (I guess they’re being made useless by setting the EXTRA_GIDs that carry the needed privileges). I’m not totally sure since to be honest I don’t know if these settings need to be ‘refreshed’ in the container by totally rebuilding it. I still havent since I’m a bit sick of these continuos fix and try with almost no clue so I’ve just left them commented out for future reference in case :wink:
Also, I’m not totally sure the /dev/gpiomem mapping under devices is really needed. I’ve put that during testing when I wasn’t able to access the gpio but it was no game-changer. The /dev/mem instead looks like being needed since python rpi gpio uses that for sure (it was complaining being not able to read from that device. I’m using GitHub - thecode/ha-rpi_gpio: Home Assistant Raspberry Pi GPIO Integration to manage my rPi’s gpio)


Awesome thanks for the detailed steps, I didn’t know about the EXTRA_GID

Thanks for this tip, I decided to rely on the linuxserver images to keep this simple. It is a lovely bonus that they provide easy access to the Hass version number so that I can have my update script add that to the logs. It was so easy to make the switch and the instructions from linuxserver are simple and clear.


I find it quite odd to see, that HA runs out of the box as root.
Any idea, why this is the case?


Hi, I’m trying to understand the implications of not using network_mode: host. Can you (or anyone who might know more details) please elaborate on the “among other things”?

Anything that ses mDNS, broadcasts, and the like.

So, Matter will fail for example ,along with all integrations using zeroconf, SSDP, and DHCP discovery etc. That covers things like Sonos, Google Cast devices, and countless more.

Also many devices that work locally only work on their local IP range, so HA may still be able to see them without host, but they may not be able to respond.

I don’t think there’s a definitive list though.

In host mode, the container shares the network interfaces of the host and doesn’t get its own IP. If it’s compromised, it can scan your whole network (or the network segment your host is networked too) and be leveraged as a point of pivot to other resources in your network. It’s best to run in bridge mode with a dedicated network. This requires other Dockered resources that need to talk straight to/from HA to be in the same network. Ideally these resources should go through a proxy but it’s another topic.

If you need to leverage mDNS, you’ll need to repeat traffic from the interfaces its landing on (on your host), to your docker network interface. I’m maintaining GitHub - thi-baut/mdns_repeater with the container pushed to if you want to re-use it (patched/updated once a month) but any similar tool will do, I didn’t research this long and there may be better, more up to date, options.

My use case of doing this is so HomeKit can work: mDNS related traffic of wireless Internet connected devices (such as iPhones, that are on a different VLAN than my not connected objects) can be grabbed by my mdns_repeater container hosted on my server (the Docker host, in a server VLAN). Pls note it’s not ideal as the server is multi-homed but I’m too poor/lazy to have 2 servers and my risk appetite to isolate HA stops there :smiley:

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Keep in mind that things like Matter (and others) may not work, or may be unreliable, if you take this approach.

HA expects to be on the same network as the devices, and many devices expect the same.

shoot guys, don’t even try looking into mdns repeater stuff and switching off docker network host mode, you might easily end up questioning your existence.
It’s easier to buy a dedicated mini PC for HASS and don’t care about running as root user.

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Sorry, I don’t want to ruin this party, but using PUID and PGID do NOT make the container run as non-root.

On the host you can check running docker processes:

ps -aux

Using the PUID and PGID allows containers to map the container’s internal user to a user on the host machine. If the process is running under root, all files and directories created during the container’s lifespan will be owned by root, thus may becoming inaccessible by other users.

In docker compose you can try the ‘user’ attribute to run the container as a specific user:

user: “1001:8123”

But starting the container will probably fail due to missing permissions of the local user. If you want this, start by using Docker rootless mode (Rootless mode | Docker Docs).

That’s right, I rephrase the initial post as it’s the application itself (hass) and not the whole container that would run as non-root. This can be verified as you mentioned using ps from within the container itself:

thibaut@Raven:~$ docker exec -it hass bash
fa2d7c6e8374:/config# whoami

The container itself runs as root

fa2d7c6e8374:/config# ps
    1 root      0:00 /package/admin/s6/command/s6-svscan -d4 -- /run/service
   16 root      0:00 s6-supervise s6-linux-init-shutdownd
   18 root      0:00 /package/admin/s6-linux-init/command/s6-linux-init-shutdownd -d3 -c /run/s6/basedir -g 3000 -C -B
   25 root      0:00 s6-supervise s6rc-fdholder
   26 root      0:00 s6-supervise s6rc-oneshot-runner
   34 root      0:00 /package/admin/s6/command/s6-ipcserverd -1 -- /package/admin/s6/command/s6-ipcserver-access -v0 -E -l0 -i data/rules -- /package/admin/s6/command/s6-sudod -t 30000 -- /
   65 root      0:00 s6-supervise home-assistant
11049 homeassi 51:21 python3 -m homeassistant --config /config
11104 homeassi  0:09 /bin/go2rtc -c /tmp/go2rtc_5ljgib22.yaml
20618 root      0:00 bash
20633 root      0:00 ps aux

The python process running HA runs as the “homeassistant” user

Edit: rootless mode is indeed a good option and should be looked into to further refine this