!include in Lovelace (for templates) - only in file mode - or storage mode too?

Hi, - 2 questions, if i may:

  1. Am I correct that !include directives do NOT work in Lovelace dashboards using “storage” mode?
    ie, I will have to use file mode for this?

  2. Can I set an alternate dashboard as the system default for everyone, in one go? Or do I need to convert the base default dashboard to file storage for that?

Thanks folks :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

  1. Yes. !include is only available for YAML mode.

  2. You can set any dashboard as default on a per device basis. Not per user or all users.

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Thanks for your answers Tom :+1:

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Actually I just remembered, you can set a default dashboard in a user’s profile too.

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Oh cool - I will hunt that option down…

I got the family to install HA on their android phones and they were outstandingly impressed with having a “single pane of glass” to get to everything. First time they’ve actually been enthusiastic about home automation, :smiley:

Glad to hear it.

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I see. I hold everyone’s initial passowrd in LastPass so I can nip in and tweak for everyone.

Thanks Tom

But that still only works on a “per device” basis. Not on a user basis.

You still need to log in on the users specific device and select which dashboard is used as default. And that doesn’t prevent the user changing it later.

I’m still not sure why there hasn’t been a per user dashboard setting implemented yet.