I moved all my zwave devices from SmartThings to Home assistant succesfully except my locks. The zwave jsui shows the locks, states they are kwikset 910, and kwikset 916 but I cannot operate them. I assume it is because they aren’t added with security. ok. There is a red circle under the security column instead of a green check circle. So I excluded and made sure when I include to used the option: “S0 encryption” with the orange locked icon. Then when I include it will say “node 83 added security none unknown error”. I also tried including using the “default” option as well. No security.
What is the trick to get these locks included.
I have keys placed on the config page.
I looked at all of my devices and none are added with security which are mainly GE and inovelli switches, didn’t think that mattered?
In my experiece with these exact same locks, you must be within 6-12 inches of the controller to add them successfully. You can just bring the inner electronics part of the lock to the controller instead of the whole thing (disconnect the outer keypad cable).
You can watch the z-wave debug logs to see what happens, the interview process is likely failing.
You don’t say if you are using Z-wave-JS UI Add-on, but IMHO, you need to.
You nailed it I took them off the door and was like 2 feet from my dongle and got security. I did the “forced security” on the UI inclusion option. I didn’t have to get so close to the ST hub way back in the day (Both hubs are in the same place)
99% of the time just use the Default inclusion strategy.
If a device supports S2, it is included automatically with S2 Security
Else, if device is a security device like a lock or garage door opener which requires S0 Security, it is automatically included with S0 Security
Else, include insecurely
Your lock that supports S0 but not S2 falls into case 2.
The “Force security” option has no effect on S2-supporting devices or S0 Security devices. Its purpose is to forcibly include devices like sensors or switches with S0 security, those that would normally be included without security (case 3). This is advised against due to the poor network performance added by S0 communication. Only use this option if you need S0 Security enabled on sensors/switches/etc. for group association purposes, or are paranoid about security and will accept the worse network performance. One other case would be devices that incorrectly advertise S2 support.
That’s a good explanation. I bet it was a distance thing. The hub was 15ft away but kept including insecurely. I can’t use the lock without security. I did finally click the force security but sounds like i didn’t have to.
I never did get the QR code option working including my devices. I just went with default then enter the 5 digit code when asked. Is there a trick to that?
The PIN code is asked for when including with S2 Security. Sometimes the QR code is not actually an S2 or SmartStart QR code. Not sure what wasn’t working for you, but to scan the QR codes in the application HTTPS must be enabled, your phone or browser will not allow scanning without it. Other options are taking a picture of the QR code and adding by image, or converting the QR code to text and adding with that. The latter options only available in ZUI, not HA.
If it’s a SmartStart QR code, the text form will start with characters 90. If it starts with something else, it’s not a SmartStart QR code. Not all devices that support S2 also support SmartStart. Also you didn’t mention which controller, but older ones like an Aeotec Gen5 don’t support SmartStart without a firmware upgrade.
This utility will show examples of a SmartStart QR code and the equivalent text: