I have a number of Zigbee lights. Some of which turn on with any apparent reason. Logs just show “turned on”. During the day, this is annoying, during the night… outright maddening.
How can I find what causes this. These lights have a constant power (no switches), I only use HomeAssistant to control them. It happens to lights all over the house, even a few meters from the coordinator.
The coordinator (Zigbee dongle E) is hooked to an USB2 port on my NUC. It’s connected with a 2m shielded USB cable. Zigbee and Wifi (2.4Ghz) are on opposite channels. (Wifi channel 1, Zigbee channel 24).
I would like to have a system where lights can only switch on through an automation, app or zigbee switch.
I turned on Debug logging.
Lights are several types / brands; Mainly TS0501A, TS0502A
I’ll add logfiles as soon as it happens again.
Power is continuous here. No problems at all. No firmware updates that I know of. Controlled bij ZHA not mqtt.