I am completely new to Home Assistent but not at all to sensors, microcontrollers, Raspberrys or databases. I set up my system yesterday, after years of planning to do so…
I successfully included my IKEA Dirigera hub, a Zigbee dongle, created and flashed a setup for an ESP32 link to my BS444 Bluetooth Lidl bathroom scale and I also succeeded to setup a connection from HA on a Raspberry Pi to my InfluxDB on my FreeNAS server.
The data from the bathroom scale is now automatically pushed from HA to the InfluxDB, very nicely.
But I cannot get any other device data to be sent to the InfluxDB. Whatever I try to do. I have a SONOFF thermometer/hygrometer which was first linked through the IKEA Dirigera hub, and now is connected directly to the Zigbee dongle. The data appears in HA and is shown on the dashboard, but it is not sent to the InfluxDB, even though I tried to add the entities directly and as entity_globs.
Which other setting do I have to turn on/modify?
Here is my configuration.yaml:
# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.
# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
port: 8086
database: home_assistant
username: ********
password: ********
ssl: false
verify_ssl: true
max_retries: 10
measurement_attr: entity_id
- sensor.bathroomscale*
- sensor.sonoff_sznb_02d*
The SONOFF data refreshes and the entities are sensor.sonoff_snzb_02d_humidity
and sensor.sonoff_snzb_02d_temperature