Sorry i’m new in ESPhome, and sorry my poor english.
I build in the past a home water pupmp control with an ardunio board. The schematics is:
Well → Pump → 300l buffer tank → pump → house.
My well is a bit lazy. The water refill is slow. So i pump out the water to buffer, and the house get water from buffer. The ardunio measure the water in the well, and does not allow too low water level. If the water level reach the maximum, the well pump working until the allowed minimum level. In the buffer has a sensor. If the buffer reach the maximum level, prevent the well pump to start. It’s working. i tought, i’m migrate the ardunio’s program to ESP, and somehow i get information about the water levels, pump control from ESP to the HA. The program is working on an ESP32 (nodemcu v3) i wrote the program in Ardunio IDE.
Where can i find a path to solve this?
Has a mode to transfer a program from ardunio IDE to esphome and send to esp32?
What is the best method to got the information? A web server? MQTT?
Thanks the advices!