Inital WLED questions (NodeMCU)

Hi guys,

just flashed a NodeMCU 3 with WLED 0.10.0 (firmware image for 4MB flash) and got it talking to MQTT. It seems to be publishing the “old school” topics as “g”, “c”, “v”, “status”. Actually I thought 0.10.0 already has the new MQTT topic structure as “color” and “switch”. Any comments on that?

Also there does not seem to be auto discovery support in WLED’s MQTT. Or am I overlooking something?

you dont need mqtt for wled, there is a integration that supports it nativily

You best asking in the WLED forum about the new MQTT topic structure if you wish to carry on using MQTT

Just to put the answer here: MQTT auto discovery was dropped in favor of the native API auto discovery.

The new style MQTT topics have not yet been merged into the releases, they are still using the old school topics.