I have the Red switch paired and it turns off/on without issue. How do I access the more advanced features? Looking at the Inovelli page, it looks like I need to copy some files from their Github but how do I get access to the filesystem for the OZW addon to upload them?
Which advanced features? Scenes are handled with the ozw.scene_activated
If you’re using the OZW beta integration there shouldn’t be a need to install any config files.
Ah, that makes more sense
What about changing the LED color on the switch? I don’t see an entity for it in HA.
If it’s a configuration parameter, you’ll have to use MQTT directly to do that.
ah ha, adds to the todo list knew I was forgetting something
Pretty self explanatory isn’t it?
In all seriousness, you can use the setvalue MQTT command. You’ll have wade through all the values to find the one that corresponds to the config parameter, then use an mqtt publish command, assuming this is for an automation.
You can manually change values and config parameters in the OZW Admin GUI.
While true, I’d still like some parity with zwave in ozw
You’ll definitely have to use MQTT for this. I just went through this for a couple of my red dimmers/switches. Get MQTT Explorer and hook it up to your broker. After doing so, browse the tree to OpenZWave/1/node/NODE/instance/1/commandclass/112/value and expand all of the value folders. One will have the label LED Indicator Color. Click on this one and note the ValueIDKey number. It looks like the values are anything 0-255 so you’ll have to play with that for the colors.
You can use an action in an automation or script with the setvalue command above to change it. If you get somewhere, let me know as this is on my list of future things. Hopefully this helps get you started.
EDIT: I forgot to add, I’ve also found it incredibly helpful to have MQTT Explorer open and go do what I want to be the trigger on the switch. When I come back, I can see exactly what the values and trigger values should be based on the history and highlighted values.
Thank you! That is going to come in handy in the future.