Input_datetime tap behaviour in group

I have a couple input_datetime sensors feeding thermostat schedules that are nested in a group, and tapping the sensor as more_info does nothing. I have a couple input_number sliders and an input_select that work as intended. It will work as an entity card where each entity is defined, but i would prefer the popup to save space. Am i missing a shortcut?


Lovelace config:

  - icon: mdi:air-conditioner
    title: Thermostat
      - type: entities
        title: Climate
          - sensor.hvac_1_temperature
          - entity: climate.hvac_1_heating_1
            icon: mdi:fire
          - entity: climate.hvac_1_cooling_1
            icon: mdi:snowflake
      - type: glance
        title: Schedule
        column_width: calc(100% / 4)
        show_state: false
          - entity: group.hvac_morning
            icon: mdi:weather-sunset
          - entity: group.hvac_away
            icon: mdi:home-outline
          - entity: group.hvac_home
            icon: mdi:home
          - entity: group.hvac_sleep
            icon: mdi:bed-empty

Group config:

  name: Morning
  control: hidden
  - input_datetime.hvac_morning
  - input_number.hvac_morning_heat_sp
  - input_number.hvac_morning_cool_sp
  - input_select.hvac_morning_fan_mode
  name: Leave
  control: hidden
  - input_datetime.hvac_away
  - input_number.hvac_away_heat_sp
  - input_number.hvac_away_cool_sp
  - input_select.hvac_away_fan_mode
  name: Arrive
  control: hidden
  - input_datetime.hvac_home
  - input_number.hvac_home_heat_sp
  - input_number.hvac_home_cool_sp
  - input_select.hvac_home_fan_mode
  name: Sleep
  control: hidden
  - input_datetime.hvac_sleep
  - input_number.hvac_sleep_heat_sp
  - input_number.hvac_sleep_cool_sp
  - input_select.hvac_sleep_fan_mode

Think it might be because you listed them under a glance card?
Have you tried to list them under an entity card? That’s what I have and it works fine…

I don’t think it is the card type to blame. I just tried it as an entity card, but same behavior. Seems to only happen when the group is the entity.

Ah, so are you listing the group or each entity?
I found that if I list a group it gives me the group and not the entities within the group. Might be me, might be something that’s being worked on or might just be the new way…

I edited the first post with some screenshots. The input numbers and selects work fine.

edit: Although, the input_numbers only worked as sliders, not as box.

Thanks. At this stage I’m not sure if this is a bug or working as intended because if I get this right you’d be looking to open a pop-up within a pop-up which is probably not allowed…
Best is to raise a bug on github

This looks like something I’d be interested in too… and it looks like others are as well - there is already a github bug for it.

Still an issue on 0.84.6

Still error on 0.85.1
Please fix it.

A quick note that this is still the behavior in 98.5. I just made a series of changes and discovered that input_datetime entities are not editable when part of a group that is added to a lovelace card.

hi! how did you get that date selector? Im searching all around and cant get it!

Just create an input_datetime, display it on a lovelace card, then click on it

:star_struck: :star_struck: Not that easy…

now click/tap on Inicio Vacaciones (the word, not the date)

Oh I see… I thought I could get it straight there, not clicking. Thanks for this, I never thought about clicking there :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

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