Hi, I have been looking into using a number_input and datetime_input to control when light automation expires (when lights that were turned on by automation should be turned off).
To that end I tried adding an input number. I tried this using the configuration.yaml and I tried it using the helper’s UI. In both cases, the configuration is considered valid and I am able to use the entity, but on homeassistant restart the input_number platform fails to load. I do not have failures if the input number is not configured.
Error I get on startup:
Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:138
First occurred: 10:34:41 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:34:41 AM
Setup failed for default_config: Could not set up all dependencies.
Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:118
First occurred: 10:34:41 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:34:41 AM
Unable to set up dependencies of default_config. Setup failed for dependencies: input_number
My configuration.yaml:
# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)
alarm_control_panel: !include alarm_control_panel.yaml
automation: !include_dir_merge_list automations/
binary_sensor: !include binary_sensor.yaml
google_assistant: !include google_assistant.yaml
group: !include groups.yaml
homeassistant: !include homeassistant.yaml
http: !include http.yaml
# input_datetime: !include input_datetimes.yaml
input_number: !include input_numbers.yaml
konnected: !include konnected.yaml
litetouch: !include litetouch.yaml
media_player: !include media_players.yaml
nest: !include nest.yaml
remote: !include remote.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
switch: !include switches.yaml
tts: !include tts.yaml
name: Automation On Limit in Seconds
min: 15
max: 86400
initial: 600
name: Occupancy Off Duration in Seconds
min: 1
max: 86400
initial: 300
I do not think it is the configuration that is the issue as I can reproduce the issue when I create the input_number using the UI (UPDATE: I am actually unable to remove the entity added via the UI (I am guessing because the platform failed to load)).
Home Assistant data:
System Health
version: core-2021.2.3
installation_type: Home Assistant OS
dev: false
hassio: true
docker: true
virtualenv: false
python_version: 3.8.7
os_name: Linux
os_version: 5.4.83-v8
arch: aarch64
timezone: America/Los_Angeles
GitHub API: ok
Github API Calls Remaining: 4980
Installed Version: 1.11.3
Stage: running
Available Repositories: 749
Installed Repositories: 3
logged_in: false
can_reach_cert_server: ok
can_reach_cloud_auth: ok
can_reach_cloud: ok
host_os: Home Assistant OS 5.11
update_channel: stable
supervisor_version: supervisor-2021.03.3
docker_version: 19.03.13
disk_total: 457.7 GB
disk_used: 4.2 GB
healthy: true
supported: true
board: rpi4-64
supervisor_api: ok
version_api: ok
installed_addons: Check Home Assistant configuration (3.6.0), File editor (5.2.0), SSH & Web Terminal (8.0.3), ADB - Android Debug Bridge (0.7.0), FTP (4.0.1), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.103.1), deCONZ (6.7.2), Mosquitto broker (5.1.1), Duck DNS (1.12.5)
dashboards: 2
resources: 0
views: 1
mode: storage