Input select oddity

I have the following input select:

  name: Upstairs AC Mode
   - 'Off'
   - Powerful Heat
   - Normal Heat
   - Silent Heat
   - Powerful Cool
   - Normal Cool
   - Silent Cool
   - Dry
  icon: mdi:format-list-bulleted

When I try to run this action:

  - service: input_select.select_option
      entity_id: input_select.lounge_ac_mode
      option: >
        {% if states.sensor.roomt.state < states.input_number.lounge_ac_heat_temp_set.state  %}
          Normal Heat
        {% elif states.sensor.roomt.state > states.input_number.lounge_ac_cool_temp_set.state  %}
          Normal Cool
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

And “Off” is the result I get the following error in the log:

Invalid option: "Off" (possible options: Off, Powerful Heat, Normal Heat, Silent Heat, Powerful Cool, Normal Cool, Silent Cool, Dry)

I have tried single quotes around ‘Off’ but the error still occurs. If I do not use quotes the word Off evaluates as ‘False’ and I get an error again.

At the moment I am using the workaround of using the input select option _Off_ but that does not look great. Is there any other way around this? Is it a bug?

EDIT: Actually on further testing it’s not the quoted option that is the problem. If the option is already selected (i.e. the input_select state is already Off) then the error occurs. And actually it is a warning not an error. It is still a valid option though which is why the warning text is misleading.

Is it because you have it in single quotes in the input_select?

Possibly a bug to do with that. However it is required as off is a keyword that evaluates as false if not quoted.