Install hacs url not available

hey guys, I am trying to install hacs but can not seem to get it. I am running home assistant os on a raspberry pi 4 i have ssh installed but when i put the command in ssh terminal i get
wget-q-o- such file exists
can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong or tell me what the correct url is

wget -q -o -
Whitespace matters :wink:

ok Thank you,
that did something different this time now knowing that white space matters
But I get
wget: cant open index.html : file exists

OK that works it seems to be installed now when i search integrations it shows official add-ons then underneath that it now has community add-ons Thank You

I think from your wording you maybe in Supervisor > Addons > Addon Store?

Screenshot from 2021-05-23 15-40-03

This isnt HACS. HACS should be available at http://yourdomain/hacs/entry and looks like

yes you are correct, my understanding is i should be able to go to integrations and add integration and i should be able to install hacs but it is not there
please how do i get

I think you were on the right track earlier. What happened when you ran

wget -q -O - | bash -

If HACS is installed, you should have a sensor.hacs created?

Hi guys.

Can you help with following error? It looks like HACS web is not available. Thank you

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having same issue in december 2022…(((

have u got any solution