Install Home Assistant Operating System macOS without VirtualBox

(finally it didnt work for my laptop as i have M1 macbook, so its incompatible with the vdi, but i guess it will work fine on intel macbooks)
I recently updated to macOS 12 (Monterey). I find it impossible to install VirtualBox in order to load Home Assistant Operating System vdi image.
So, i found this alternative:

  1. find a system running linux or run docker with linux through macOS
  2. install virtualBox
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox
  1. download the home assistant macOS vdi (
  2. run
vboxmanage /path_to_vdi_file/haos_ova-6.6.vdi /path_to_new_vmdk_file/haos_ova-6.6.vmdk --format VMDK

(found this here
5) download and run the vmdk in your macOS with VMware Fusion

(“Create a custom Virtual Machine”->“Other”->“Other 64bit”->Boot Firmware->UEFI->Use an existing virtual disk->find your vmdk file)