Install home Asssistant on a Synology server

Dear Community,

My Raspberry Pi 3 is a bit slow these days. It made sense for home assistant years ago but not anymore.

I have a NAS at home, a Synology server much more powerful than the Raspberry Pi 3.

Do you know if it is possible to install Home Assistant on a Synology Server. It would be awesome having a Package for this in Synology and install HA just as any other application like Plex, for instance.

Any tutorials out there?

Thank you in advance!

Hi Marco’s,

I installed HA on my Synology.
Install vmm, download ova, create vm using the ova file.
Also create a backup of your current setup

When install is ready, start HA and use recent backup for restore or crete a new instance
On yt is a lots to find, i.e.



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Depends on synology model. You need Virtual Machine Manager on synology. It is possible on plus models, not possible on play models, can’t tell for others. If you can’t find VM manager in package center i remember that you can “hack” some models with manual installation of VM manager (search on google for that).
Otherwise there is manual for such an installation on HA installation sites, yes. I ran it for a couple of years without any problem.