Install the HAOS14 for HA Yellow on a Pi Compute Module 5 IO Board & CM 5

Hi, its my first post, so please be gentle.

I have an combination like this one: Link

I’d like to use the HAOS14 image for the HA yellow to install HA on a CM5 with the Raspi IO Board for the CM5.

Does anyone tryed this an can give me some advice on witch special issues i have an eye on? Would be Cool, if I could simply use the image for the HA Yellow and all is done.

Thank you!

Have you tried these instructions? Getting Started – Home Assistant Yellow

May I ask why you’d like to do this? Using the official Raspberry Pi CM5 module with its CM5 I/O board is not the same as using a CM5 module on a HA Yellow board. The hardware is different and the HAOS image for the Yellow will most likely have issues.

Have you tried running the HAOS image for the Raspberry Pi 5? That might work a little better, but I am not sure.

No did not tied yet. Wanted to ask prior trying :wink:
Hoped someone tried it before.
Thank you

Why? Because I have the CM5 withe the raspi CM5 Board her and wanted to try Mosquito with note red, etc. first. But than I discovered HA Yellow
Nevertheless, HAOS14 for the RP5 probably works too. Or am I wrong?
Thank you