I watched a YouTube claiming Home Assistant was Plub & Play …well, I’ve been playing for hours
and can’t reach HA on the Raspberry Pi. I followed the directions on https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/installation/.
I’ve tried reaching it using in Chrome and the new MS Edge, with HTTP & HTTPS:
https://hassio.local:8123/ ( This site can’t be reached hassio.local ’s server IP address could not be found.)
Did you wait at least 20 minutes before you tried?
Your screenshots are not helpful as windows can only see the boot partition, the partition with the logs, config etc. can only be seen from a linux OS or with special tools on windows.
Yes, 20 mins+ on both flash attempts. I wasn’t sure on the screenshots but thought I’d at least show something was on the card. Thanks on the http:…I’ve tried it both ways, multiple browsers.
So, nothing on the monitor initially, and finally realized my power supply was 2amps…changed to 3 amp (GoPro). And still nothing on the monitor. I’ve ordered a power supply specifically for Raspberry 4 Pi. Not encouraging but hopeful.