Installation on running debian OS with Rpi

Hi all, i’m new on this forum.

I want to install home assistant on my raspberry pi which already running on debian bookworm.

I see, installation it’s possible with full OS or with debian and docker.

My wish is to install home assistant on my running debian.

It’s possible ?

Thanks a lot

It’s possible with “core” (=plain python) or “container” (=docker).

“supervised” is also theoretically possible, but does not support running anything else than HA, so is basically pointless if you want your HA to be supported.

Can you explain to me : What part home assistant is exactly composed ?

I don’t really understand what you said.

“supervised” is also theoretically possible, but does not support running anything else than HA, so is basically pointless if you want your HA to be supported.

It mean, integrated by example this third part is not possible ?

If i want to install just core part of the project, what can i do on my OS ?