I am installing Home assistant OS on a new Raspberry 4B but after installation and restart my user is lost and I can no longer reach the homeassistant web gui anymore.
The following is the sequence that occurs during installation:
- Installing Home assistant OS using Raspberry PI imager to download an image file on an SD-card
- During installation the onboarding process is reached but when setting up the username the screen is locked (Create account button is grayed out for a short while, but nothing happens and get stuck on this page)
- Have to force a restart of the home assistant through console (directly connected to raspberry via HDMI and keyboard)
- After restart the onboarding process restarts and is successful and I can get into Homeassistant via web GUI. Logging in using my set up owner account.
- Just to check I ask via command line what users are available using command “au list”, answer is according below. So user seem set up correctly at this point.
- group_ids:
- system-admin
is_active: true
is_owner: true
local_only: false
name: niklas
username: niklas
Perform a restart of home assistant via command line: “ho restart”
After restart home assistant web gui is no longer available. http://homeassistant.local:8123
Checking the available users, there is no valid users anymore (at least that is how I intrepret it…). Looks like this:
Home assistant Observer is stating everything is OK. Via http://homeassistant.local:4357
I have tried re-installing many time with the same SD-card (re-written Image and started over) and also switched to another SD-card. Same behaviour all the time.
Any suggestions on how to analyze the situation? Can there be an internal memory fault in the Raspberry? Is there any built in memory check to run through command line?