After several years on OH, I wanted to move to HA said to be way more user friendly.
I bought a new RPi 4 B 4G, flashed my USB drive and…
[supervisor.utils.whoami] Can’t fetch Whoami data: Timeout
Looking into the forums, I see several proposals between updating manually the date, redefining the DNS IP etc… But I have absolutely no access (or at least I don’t know how to access) CLI or SSH.
I added a “ssh” file on the boot drive which allowed me to get “connection refused” instead of “connection time out” which might be a small progress but still I can’t do anything.
I tried version 10.5 and 11 both in 32b and 64b (connected via LAN cable) but I get the same error every time.
Anyone could help me?
First step how to access to some kind of command line?
Even better if you can direct me to some solution to that specific issue (which seems not so uncommon based on what I could read so far)
I realize that I forgot to mention a very important point: at this stage I can only use remote connection to the RPI because I do not yet have a micro HDMI adapter and hence can not connect a screen !