Salve non riesco ad installare home assistant su pc con windows 10 , ho provato su tre pc ma niente . non ce’ una applicazione che installa tutto automaticamente ? Help ! quali sono i passaggi corretti ?
Hi I can’t install home assistant on pc with windows 10, I tried on three pc but nothing. isn’t there an application that installs everything automatically? Help! what are the correct steps?
Please use English.
Which instructions are you following? Personally I’d recommend using a virtual machine and these instructions.
Ma non ce’ installazione su pc con windws
But there is no installation on a pc with windows
In inglese per favore
But there is no installation on pc with windws
Home assistant is not a Windows application. Suggest you use Google translate on the website and read more about it.
But there is no installation on pc with windws
which site
That’s the point home assistant does not run on Windows.
Home Assistant non è un’applicazione Windows.
Per informazioni sulle piattaforme su cui è possibile eseguire assistente domestico, vedere qui
Installing Home Assistant OS - Home Assistant (