Installed and can see command line when connected to monitor but no access over internet

I have loaded Home Assistant OS on my new Pi5 8GB. It’s on a 32G Samsung SD card.

I cannot access it through the LAN at all. I have attached the network info from when I boot up and connect to a monitor with keyboard. It looks to me like it’s not seeing the network at all. I am connected directly to my switch with a short cat6 cable (that has a dozen other working things connected to it)

I’m stuck at this point as to what to even look at. My router is a Luxul Epic 5 and the LAN is setup to DHCP at no Vlans or anything else crazy but I’m stuck. What more info would be useful or next steps?

Try a different cable and a different port. Does the connectivity lights on the ports (router and Pi) light up at all?

Tried different cable at different port. Same result. Yes the ethernet port has both lights lit (constant on Pi, blinking on switch) with both cables and ports. I also just connected to my router port (in case something was up with the switch) but still exactly the same