Installing ESPhome on RP running Hassbian


Maybe just a little misstrake that I make. But when I try to install ESP home by commandline I get the following.


What do I do wrong ?

I don’t know about Hassbian, but you probably need to install pip like this first

That realy sounds like a good sugestion, but when I treid I got this

pi@hassbian:~ $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
python3-pip is already the newest version (9.0.1-2+rpt2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
pi@hassbian:~ $

You tried to install python3-pip which you would invoke by pip3. This is for python 3.

When you use just pip it is looking for the command installed with python-pip. This is for python 2. Try installing this one.

There was some talk of supporting python 3 for ESPHome, I’m not sure if the status of that. If it does support, you could do pip3 install esphome.

I wasn’t able to get ESPHome to flash devices correctly from the Pi, but was successful when trying from a laptop running Ubuntu. Possibly due to my own error, but you may run into further roadblocks in this process. Good luck!

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Thanks for your help.
Installing pip (2.x) was the solution for installing ESPhome.
now at last I can start with my ESP8266

Any suggestion on how to start ESPhome ?

I just followed this information.

Use esphome name_for_file.yaml wizard. Edit the resulting yaml file to your liking and then do esphome name_for_file.yaml run with the ESP board plugged in via USB.

As I said before, I had problems with getting it to flash correctly from my PI running Raspbian, but had no problems from a laptop running Ubuntu.

I think my problem is on an other level


It cannot find esphome

Oh my. Did you by chance install esphome into a virtual environment, possibly the virtual environment that home assistant is in?

You can try the command pip freeze to see if esphome was installed. If not and you did install it, I would check your virtual environment probably the one with home assistant in /srv/homeassistant. If it was installed, then something went amiss during installation I would think.

After that, I’m about out of ideas.

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I think it was installed

I installed it on the prompt using Putty

now I did a pip upgrade, and have a new problem


Looks like a pip problem to me, although I don’t know what. It looks like esphome, tornado, and esptool are already installed to me.

I think I’m at the limit of things to suggest.
Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can help.

I’m now remembering that I had created a virtual environment for my esphome installation. I don’t think this should matter, but again, I’m now at my limit of knowledge here.

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Do you maybe know how to go back to the pip version before upgrading ?

I get errors like that too when i use pip outside a virtual environment, so I think we both may be missing something. When I have a virtual environment I have no problem.

I would try this approach: Hopefully it works for python2.

Hi Matthew,

thanx for al your help, but I’m affraid that I got more and more stuck.

pip is not working anymore and no idea how to start esphome

Kind regards,


:frowning: check this…

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You need change user and enable env before install esphome.

$ sudo -u homeassistant -H -s
$ source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate

Thanks for the suggestion, but my installation got so instable that I completely had to install HASS again (with a lot of new problems).
Now I got at last HASS working again. I don’t going to try ESPHome before I can install it with pip3 again (I read also that pip 2 not wil be supported from 2020 aswell).

Kind regards all for helping me !