Hi. I got new HA installation and it found my 35 Insteon devices. Great!
But after using for few days I have few issues:
I have to reboot Insteon HUB every day because lovelace buttons dont do anything for Insteon devices on any of my 3 tablets. Insteons own APP works great at same time… after reboot HA controls devices again…
Insteon device state. It reports state correctly in 50% of devices. In many cases Lovelace stops responding because after dimming to 20%, it dims the light, but then tryin to put back to 100% does not work. if refuses to change state of device on Lovelace. Light it self USUALLY works to 100%… Then also I tried TOGGLE button on Lovelace, but it does not work. if device is OFF but for some reason HA thinks its ON, then TOGGLE only tries to put it OFF again, instead ON…
I had to add mine manually with device overrides. They show up, but not consistently. They do work, however, when I control from HA.
The whole thing has made me not like Insteon as much. Smarthome has partnered with Nokia for a new product, and I think that Insteon is going to go away after a few years. I don’t see them supporting it much longer despite their claim they will continue to support it.
Caseta by Lutron is looking a lot more appealing (or just simply going with Z-wave switches).
HA frequently is slow or fails to pickup changes made by the Insteon app. The same problem is present if you make changes directly to some Insteon devices, especially the plug in modules. As Eric noted I think Insteon will be soon sunsetted so I’ll use my Insteon equipment until the devices fail and then replace them with Z-Wave hardware.
The PLM has been rock solid for me as far as my Insteon network goes, haven’t used a hub though. There seems to be a bug right now importing new devices off of the PLM though I haven’t had any time to dig into.
Do you have any idea if your instability is within the j stein network or between HA and the hub?
“Do you have any idea if your instability is within the j stein network or between HA and the hub?”
I have no Idea. After last night re-installing HA and restarting HA+Insteon Modem… at least commands work, but states dont update on all devices. My devices are 30pcs DIN and 5pcs Wired ON/OFF or DIM rail modules.