Not sure exactly what is going on, but after an upgrade to 2022.9.5, I can no longer control my Insteon devices. I have booted the Insteon hub and restarted HA multiple times and the problem persisted. I rolled back to 2022.8.7 and the Insteon integration began working again, but an old problem with my Z-Wave thermostat that was solved by upgrading to 2.22.9.x came back. KInd of stuck here. Any ideas?
The only log entries relevant is this
Logger: pyinsteon.protocol.protocol
First occurred: 11:17:45 PM (94 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:38:25 PM
pyinsteon transport exception: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'extend'
By the way, I’ve been using Insteon and HA for about 3 years now and this is the first real problem I’ve encountered that wasn’t already called out on the forums.